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Welcome to the interactive public input map for the Farmington Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2045
What will our transportation network look like in the next 20-25 years? Where will people live? Where will they work? What types of transportation improvements will be needed going forward?
The Farmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (FMPO), which performs does long range transportation planning for Aztec, Bloomfield, Farmington, Kirtland, and San Juan county, is in the process of developing its 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). The MTP identifies future transportation investments, policies, goals, and strategies for all modes of transportation.
This interactive map is designed to gather your input. With your help, FMPO seeks to understand where you, as a community member, believe is important for the region to invest in its transportation facilities going forward, and what should be retained, changed, or improved by 2045. We are looking for input related to all modes of transportation.
How to use the interactive map
Major Destinations – Indicate locations where improved access is important. Please identify the transportation modes that should be improved for accessing the site.
General Comment/Idea –Place this icon where you have noticed a potentially dangerous area for cyclists or pedestrians.
Safety Issue – Place this icon where you have noticed a potentially dangerous area for cyclists or pedestrians.
Driving/Traffic Issue – Identify locations of congestion, areas that are difficult to navigate, signal timing issues, or other issues you experience related to driving in the region.
Thank you for your input! Please focus your comments to locations along or intersecting the roadways shown in black (collector and arterial roads).
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us on our project email:
Visit our project site for additional information: